Terms Of Use

Terms of Use

Welcome to the FS_STRE website

Please review the following terms and conditions:

By accessing the site, registering, continuing to use the site, or accessing it, you agree to comply with these terms of use and other documents and terms immediately. These terms of use and legal documents are subject to amendment by us at any time. Your continued use of the site after any changes means your agreement to these terms of use and the legal documents that have been amended.

About the Site:

This website is an online store that allows users to purchase a variety of cards and digital services.

FS_STORE reserves the right to provide new services and update any services or withdraw them, according to our own discretion without any liability.

  • First: Customer Obligations:

    When using or accessing the services, you agree to the following:
    • The user must pay with their own credit card only, and may not use credit cards belonging to any other person.
    • The user acknowledges that payment transactions are non-refundable. If the paid service is not received, the user must immediately contact FS_STORE customer service. The user is not entitled to request a refund from the bank.
    • Your responsibility to maintain the privacy and restrict access to your account and its use, including your password, and agree to be responsible for all activities conducted under your account and password.
    • Notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of the secure use standards of the site.
    • Provide complete, true, accurate, and current information about yourself and your use of the services as specified by us.
    • Cooperate with requests from us for additional information regarding your eligibility and use of our services.
    • You are not entitled to take any action that would diminish the evaluation of the site and rating systems.
    • You are not entitled to transfer your account to another party.
    • Undertake not to distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm our services or the interests of other users or their property.
    • Undertake not to violate laws regarding copyright, trademark, patent, ethics, advertising, database, and/or any intellectual property rights (collectively referred to as "intellectual property rights") related to us or licensed to us and the intellectual property rights related to third parties.
    • You are not entitled to collect user information or circumvent any of the technical procedures we follow to provide the services.
  • Second: Intellectual Property Rights:

    • All content on the site falls within our own ownership or within the ownership of our licensors and suppliers, including but not limited to digital cards, texts, graphics, logos, images, audio clips, digital downloads, and software. We (or our licensors or suppliers, as the case may be) reserve all our rights, ownership, and interest in the site and services - including but not limited to all intellectual property rights set forth in these terms of use.
  • The customer is not entitled to use our trademarks without prior written consent.
  • Third: Warranties, Representations, and Acknowledgments:

    You warrant, represent, and acknowledge the following:
    • Compliance with legislation relating to privacy laws and content regulation.
    • You have full authority to contract under the applicable terms of use, and your performance under these terms does not conflict with:
    • Any laws, rules, regulations, or governmental guidelines to which you are subject.
    • Any other agreements to which you were or are obligated.
    • If you create or use an account on behalf of a company, you thereby act as an agent for that company and ensure its compliance with the applicable terms of use. This account is owned by the company and under its administration.
    • Any content you submit as part of your use of the services and for any products you list does not violate third-party rights anywhere in the world, including but not limited to any intellectual property rights (whether registered or not).
    • The services are provided to you on an "as-is" basis without warranties, representations, or acknowledgments of any kind. We disclaim all warranties, whether express, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to all warranties, representations, or acknowledgments regarding the validity of the content for commercial purposes or suitability for a specific or general purpose or non-infringement or violation of any rights or whether our services are secure or free from defects or will operate without any interruptions or will be provided in a timely manner or at all.
    • Additionally, while we endeavor to be as accurate as possible, we do not warrant that the product specifications or any other content for any service are accurate, complete, reliable, up-to-date, or error-free. Furthermore, as a purchaser, you agree that we are not responsible for examining or evaluating the listings or content of the services provided by us or by others, and you will not attempt to hold us responsible for any errors or defects in any information.
  • Fourth: Liability and Indemnities:

    • In no event shall we (including, without limitation, our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, and suppliers) be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of or in any way related to claims or demands for loss of profits, loss of data, loss of information, business disruption, or any financial loss or any special, indirect, or consequential damages even if we or our subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents, employees, licensors, suppliers, or subcontractors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    • We (including, without limitation, our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, licensors, suppliers) shall not be liable, and you acknowledge that you will not hold us responsible, for any direct or indirect damages arising from:
      • The content or other information we provide when you use the services.
      • Your use of the services or your inability to use them.
      • Pricing, shipping, coordination, or any of the guidance provided by us.
      • Delay or interruption in the provision of services.
      • Viruses or other harmful software found through accessing the services.
      • Presence of errors in the services or malfunctions or inaccuracies in any form.
      • Damage to your device through the use of products sold on the website or through our services.
      • Content or actions or abstentions from action by non-users of our services.
      • Comments or any other actions we take related to your use of the services.
      • Your need to modify practices or content or behavior or your loss or inability to conduct business due to changes in these terms of use.
    • You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless, including indemnifying and holding harmless our parent company, subsidiaries, branches, directors, agents, employees, and suppliers related to our company or the parent company, subsidiaries, and affiliates against any losses, damages, and expenses (including legal fees and attorney fees) ("Claims") arising from:
      • Any claims or demands made by third parties due to your use of the services.
      • Violation of any of the provisions contained in these terms of use, including, but not limited to, any warranties, representations, and acknowledgments.
      • Violation of any applicable laws, including, but not limited to, data protection laws or anti-spam laws.
      • The manner in which you use our services, including, but not limited to, the content you post, the products you list, or your trademarks that violate any intellectual property rights of third parties, or if your content contains defamation, libel, slander, or violates any other rights (including privacy rights) of third parties (including users of other websites).
    • Summary of Agreement

      : These Terms of Use and the documents referred to or included in

      • Terms of Use

        constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersede all prior agreements, negotiations, and representations, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter. Except as specifically set forth in these Terms of Use and the documents referred to or included in these Terms of Use, there are no conditions, warranties, representations, commitments, or agreements between the parties, whether direct, indirect, collective, express, or implied.

      • Amendments

        : We reserve the right to make any modifications, changes, additions, or supplements to these Terms of Use at any time or from time to time. We will post the current version of the Terms of Use on the website, and it will be effective when posted on the website or as otherwise specified by us as the "Effective Date" (if any). Your continued use of the Services following any changes constitutes your acceptance of the amended Terms of Use.

      • Severability

        : If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed void by any competent court or is unlawful or unenforceable, that provision of these Terms of Use shall be deemed deleted and the remaining terms and provisions shall continue in full force and effect as long as the legal and economic substance of the transactions contemplated thereby remains without any material adverse effect.

      • Force Majeure

        : Neither party shall be liable for any loss, damage, delay, or failure to perform resulting from acts beyond the control of any of the parties whether such act could be anticipated (such as acts of God, legislatures, courts, or regulatory authorities of any government, governmental local authorities, or third party actions or supplier actions or labor disruptions, complete power failure, or economic boycott).

      • Non-Waiver

        : Waiver of any provision of these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of any other provision (whether similar or dissimilar), nor shall any other waiver constitute a continuing waiver of the relevant provisions, unless expressly provided otherwise in writing.

      • Survival

        : All provisions which, by their nature, are intended to remain in force or which are applicable by their nature after termination of the contract shall remain in full force and effect after termination or suspension of your membership on the website.

      Summary of Agreement

      : These Terms of Use and the documents referred to or included in

      • Terms of Use

        constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersede all prior agreements, negotiations, and representations, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter. Except as specifically set forth in these Terms of Use and the documents referred to or included in these Terms of Use, there are no conditions, warranties, representations, commitments, or agreements between the parties, whether direct, indirect, collective, express, or implied.

      • Amendments

        : We reserve the right to make any modifications, changes, additions, or supplements to these Terms of Use at any time or from time to time. We will post the current version of the Terms of Use on the website, and it will be effective when posted on the website or as otherwise specified by us as the "Effective Date" (if any). Your continued use of the Services following any changes constitutes your acceptance of the amended Terms of Use.

      • Severability

        : If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed void by any competent court or is unlawful or unenforceable, that provision of these Terms of Use shall be deemed deleted and the remaining terms and provisions shall continue in full force and effect as long as the legal and economic substance of the transactions contemplated thereby remains without any material adverse effect.

      • Force Majeure

        : Neither party shall be liable for any loss, damage, delay, or failure to perform resulting from acts beyond the control of any of the parties whether such act could be anticipated (such as acts of God, legislatures, courts, or regulatory authorities of any government, governmental local authorities, or third party actions or supplier actions or labor disruptions, complete power failure, or economic boycott).

      • Non-Waiver

        : Waiver of any provision of these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of any other provision (whether similar or dissimilar), nor shall any other waiver constitute a continuing waiver of the relevant provisions, unless expressly provided otherwise in writing.

      • Survival

        : All provisions which, by their nature, are intended to remain in force or which are applicable by their nature after termination of the contract shall remain in full force and effect after termination or suspension of your membership on the website.