Third, the password must be in English, contain at least 8 characters, include a capital letter and at least one number.
Fourth, re-enter your password.
Fifth, enter the phone number of the country you reside in.
Sixth, click on the I am not a robot button.
Click on the Create Account button.
Email Verification:
Enter the code sent via email.
Mobile Number Verification:
Enter the code sent via mobile.
After creating the account, the invoice will appear again:
Select the payment method.
Enter your bank account details.
For the security of your bank account, the data will not be saved:
Enter the bank account password.
Message Error
Error Hendle Model
Message Success
Success Hendle Model
Enter voucherry
Information About VOUCHERRY
VOUCHERRY is an innovative online payment method based on prepaid vouchers, with a solid platform that connects both merchants and resellers seamlessly through API, it allows merchants to collect money securely from their online consumers, and allows resellers to issue multiple denomination vouchers instantly.
A prepaid voucher consists of 16 digits pin code, consumers can purchase vouchers from our reseller’s websites or physical locations, and redeem it directly at our merchant’s websites by entering the voucher pin code.
It’s a secure payment method for consumers who don’t want to share their credit card details online for security reasons, or do not have bank account and wants to pay online as they do with cash.
Where to buy VOUCHERRY?
To find out which sites use VOUCHERRY, visit this link.
Information About ClvrPay
ClvrPay is an advanced online payment system designed around prepaid vouchers. Its powerful platform seamlessly connects merchants and resellers through API integration, allowing merchants to securely process payments from their online customers with wider exposure.
Our Product ClvrPay
ClvrPay gift cards consist of 16-digit pin codes. Users can redeem them directly at all our partner merchant websites.
It’s a secure payment method for consumers who don’t want to share their credit card details online for security reasons, or do not have bank account and wants to pay online as they do with cash.
Where to buy ClvrPay?
To find out which sites use ClvrPay, visit this link.